Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hot Air Balloon

2nd time at Putrajaya. Arrived around 815am, search for parking til 830am.Damn!! All the balloon start flying oredi. Miss the chance to take photo with the unique one. But we still managed to take photo with the ordinary one. Cehh... ~Smile :>

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Littlewhiz.Com Cute Baby Contest

Vote for FIRAS!!! Baby #0066 at

p/s: For those voters thanks very byk jela kan voter firas..huhuhhu..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Senyuman Ceria Si Comel

Yeah..Ini dia contest by SMILEYKIDZ..1st online contest for Firas..
Here's FIRAS photo

Muhammad Firas bin Kamal Sufian, 7mths old++
Contest dateline : 31 Oktober 2009 jam 11.59mlm..More details CLICK HERE...

I'm back!!!

Actually malas gilerr nak berblog nih tp sejak akhir2 ni byk lak contest for baby only for blogger..So i decided so continue my blog yg ntahpapentah ni..'Sy budak baru belajar, klau slh tlg tunjukkan'..hehehe... tata..titi..tutu..

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Today dah masuk ari ke 5 both of us kt kg..Bestnye makan tdo-makan tdo..firas tdo mommy die pun tdo..hihihi..Lmenye nak tnggu daddy balik..Bosan gak takde ape nk buat..My bro n his son ade lyn firas..So mommy die byk mase nak surf cari keje br nih..Opsss..K la smbg nt nothing much to update tis time..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary

06.06.08 my big day. So today was our 1st anniversary but my hub wasn't not around to celebrate together. Sedih mmg sedih 1st anniversary tu. Tapi ape yg best our baby dah 3mths..Born on 06.03.09 (tarikh yg dipilih for c-sect). My bb breech and Alhamdulillah dia sehat dan now we together kat kg coz mommy dia ni takberani nak tinggal berdua kt umah since daddy dia away. Yela memandangkan skg ni waktu tdo die xmnentu kdg2 mlm taknak tdo smpi ke pg. So i and hub ade shif mlm la pulak kalau tak tdo kt ofis la gamaknye. Lgpun kalau keje nak kene rushing amik kt umah bbsitter pg plak mesti kene bgn awal nak anta so pk punye pk i think better for me to take leave and spend my time with my lovely bb. Lgpun best blk kg tak spend byk duit (xde shopping complex yg best), makan sedap takyah masak sendiri, nak qada tdo yg lepas2..Sian kecik2 kene tinggal ngn org, pg2 pegi kdg2 xtgk pon muke mommy dia nih. Blk dh malam pun mata dh nk tutup. Skg baru rase klaulah mommy die nih housewife..hihihi..bole ke daddy..Daddy said can but sape nk byr utang mommy :p. Oh my gosh, still alot to buy out there...:p